The European Commission has launched an open public consultation supporting the evaluation of the Council Recommendation of 20 December 2012 on the validation of non-formal and informal learning. It will be available through the following link until 30 October 2019:
The questionnaire includes some questions for all respondents, as well as some which are specifically addressed to organisations with an interest in validation – authorities, learning providers, guidance centres, social partners, youth associations, learners associations and other civil society organisations – and others specifically for individuals who have used validation opportunities. Organisations are also invited to submit position papers. The results of the consultation will be taken into account in the Commission Staff Working Document on the evaluation of the Recommendation, planned for early 2020, and in broader reflections on how to take forward skills validation policies.
It may help to review the keynote presentations of the May 2019 Meeting of the Network to see Lieve Van Den Brande speak to Validation in Europe, where are we now and what next? and Andrina Wafer on Progress nationally in implementing the 2012 Recommendation.